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Thursday, September 11, 2008

In the News #2 : Politics

Politicians, as Larry said, are always looking for "advantages." So, one might ask oneself whether having a family is an advantage in a campaign, and what uses of that family are appropriate. Each of the candidates have had their wives give speeches, and both have been present and active in their campaigns. Voters often look to candidates' family lives to make judgments about their character and beliefs. Candidates with histories of divorce, or whose children get into trouble, sometimes have hard times convicning voters that they can represent them effectively. Rudy Guiliani family life, for instance, opened him up to doubt from voters with strict morals. As well, the trouble gotten into by Mike Huckabee's son, and the seeming attempts to cover up the action, did not help his candidacy.

Today being Sept. 11, both current presidential canddiates have agreed to suspend partisan politics for the day. That people could suggest one candidate has more or less a right to speak or to honor the deaths of those Americans who died seven years ago is itself a symptom of the degradation of our political system, in which parties attempt to belittle the patriotism or character of a candidate rather than address issues. Disagreements on policy issues should not be the measure of whether one is a good American. To use today as a wedge to call one side less American or patriotic is the exact opposite of what the candidates have tried to achieve by speaking together and suspending their political machines.

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