POLL: Where should course announcements and reminders go? Please vote only once.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week 3 Reminders

Hello all,

Some quick reminders:

  • Please vote once in the poll above to determine where reminders and announcements like this should be posted. Remeber that you can subscribe to the feed of this blog and make announcements show up in your sharklink page, your blogger dashboard, in your own blog, or any number of other "feed readers."

  • There are reading and writing assignments this week from the textbook. For Tuesday, for instance, you will read chapter 1, including two short essays by Powell and Goldberg. You will answer the “Questions for Active Reading” after each essay (you do not have to answer the “Questions for Thinking Critically”). There is a journal entry due as well, the assignment sheet for which is available on WebCT.

  • The following people have not sent me the URLs (web addresses, like http://comp100.blogspot.com) to their blogs: B. Astudillo, C. Orr, C. Duty, D. Williams, G. Moppert, P. Daniels, A. Manuel, S. Pascucci. If you do not give me your URL, I can neither grade your work nor add a link to the course blog so other students can access your work. Starting next week, the late work policy in the syllabus will be enforced for blogs. Send me your info, or if you already sent your URL to me, but I somehow missed it, let me know at ericmaso@nova.edu . you cancheck the list of student blogs on the course blog to make sure your blog has been added.

  • Per the instructions given during class and available on WebCT, I need you to add the “Subscriptions” gadget to your blogs. Even if you have already added it, you should check to make sure it is possible to subscribe to posts and to comments. This is necessary for me to keep track of those times (like this Thursday), when you will be asked to comment on each others’ blogs.

  • You can always update your blog title if you find that it is too similar to other students’ blog titles. Feel free to add different gadgets, designs, images, and such to your blogs. You have the ability to change other things about your blog as well, such as your user name and even the URL of your site. Changing these last two should be avoided unless absolutely necessary, however, as it will make it impossible for me to give you credit for your blog if I can’t find it or don’t recognize your username.

  • You may want to read over the assignment sheet for Project 1 before Tuesday’s class, if you haven’t done so already. It’s available on WebCT under “Course Documents.”

As always, email me if you have questions (ericmaso@nova.edu) .

Eric Mason

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