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Thursday, September 18, 2008

In the News - Dangers of Technology

The presentation today by Xiance drew our attention to the ways that technology has potentially fatal side effects. In this case, people texting while attempting to do other things like walk or drive has led them to be involved in accidents.

The dangers and benefits of technologies deserve attention, but it will always be the case that technology will both hurt and help, it's not an either/or situation. It will encourage some behaviors and discourage others. It will enhance some skills and make others obsolete. This is related to the idea of "affordances" we discussed in class, that everytechnology is good for some things and not as good for others.

this reminds me of an article I read this morning that talks about how the internet has changed students' reading habits. Attention spans are shortening, students reduce complex texts down to sources of information, and the skills of close readnig and prolonged reflection go unpracticed. I don't think anyone laments the skills we've lost by not having to wash our clothes by hand, but every technology we use means we are giving up a set of experiences in which knowledge, values, and social relations were once situated. It's a good question to ask what we gain and lose every time we adopt a technology.

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